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February 2010
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Electronic Writing II
LITR 0210D

Tuesdays 4-6:20pm
305 Sayles Hall

Lab Thursdays 5-6:20pm
Grad MML

Instructor: Samantha Gorman
office hours:
Tuesdays 1:30-3:45pm
and by appointment
68 1/2 Brown Street, rm 304
Apr 21, 2010

"CodeWork" Lab
Archived reading of Lexia to Perplexia

Please read, review and comment on:

Review Chapter 4 Electronic Literature as Technotext: Lexia to Perplexia pg. 47-63 of Writing Machines by Katherine Hayles.
Apr 15, 2010
Project Progress: Week 12

Postings are for project documentation. Please post the text, image, links, code, description... that you were asked to bring to next class in order to show your progress. Use this space to comment on your progress and to offer constructive advice to the material your colleagues present here.
Apr 13, 2010
Reading Week 11

Code Work?

1. Read
2. Mez: and check out some of her projects in “Mezangelle”
3. look at


1. Stops and Rebels: a critique of hypertext by Brian Kim Stefans in Fashionable Noise on Digital Poetics. Pg. 63 (on reserve at the rock)
2. Read: Cox, Geoff, et al. The Aesthetics of Generative Code
Project Updates: Week 10

Postings are for project documentation. Please post the text, image, links, code, description... that you were asked to bring to class in order to show your progress. Use this space to comment on your progress and to offer constructive advice to the material your colleagues present here.
Assignment Week 10

Assignment Game Play!

In the New Media Reader CD

1. first briefly Play “Adventure” in “the Interactive Fiction” 1970s designation of the html CD. Also try getting there from file:///Volumes/NewMediaReader/1970s/IF/index.html
2. Have a significantly more thorough engagement with “Galatea” in the CD that comes with Hayles Electronic Literature ELC Vol. One/For_Mac/Galatea.z8
3. Read mez's Directory.Linking 2: /The Immersive State of Reality[Game]Play @
5. Review the website for the Path and play: the path prologue at


6. Explore this Blog:

Apr 7, 2010
Class Exercise: Writing Prompts

Prompts are taken from: Analogies and Metaphors Found in High School Essays


her eyes were brown circles with big black dots in the center and
she laughed like a dog before vomiting
like an oscillating electric fan set on medium
as if she were a garbage truck backing up

They were like two hummingbirds who had also never met
like a Hefty bag filled with vegetable soup
one of those pointy hook latches, underpants in a dryer without Cling Free

one of those boxes with a pinhole in it,
the color of a brick-red Crayola crayon.

He spoke with the wisdom that can only come from experience,
His thoughts tumbled in his head,
Her face was a perfect oval,
It came down the stairs
Her voice had that tense, it hurt the way your tongue hurts.


My similes suck like 98 missing legs
Her eyes were like whatever.
Her vocabulary was as bad as an oscillating electric fan set on medium.
He was as tall as nose hair after a sneeze.
He fell for her like a six-foot-three-inch tree.
Her hair glistened in the rain like the sound a dog makes just before it throws up.


He was as lame as a duck. Not the metaphorical lame duck either, but a real duck that was actually lame. Maybe from stepping on a land mine or something. He was as tough as a cookie, not a metaphorical tough cookie either, but a real cookie man splintered with chocolate chips the size of fists and held together with fossilized molasses, harder than diamond. He was a real peach, not the metaphorical real peach either but a a soft sweetheart with a stone inside him if anything should float from the earth he had the soul to dig in. He stopped at the bar to wet his whistle not the metaphorical whistle wetting but the real thing, grabbing the crusty bartender and demanding to soak his grandfather's tinwhistle in a bucket of vodka for good luck.
Apr 6, 2010

Material and Descriptions related to our class midterms are posted here for reference during finals.